Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sleepy Time

So our little Addie is growing up fast and getting cuter everyday! She is crawling all over and getting into everything. She has mastered pulling herself up, walking while holding onto the furniture, and lowering herself back down when she wants to start crawling again.

She is even getting brave enough to briefly let go and stand on her own, but only briefly! She has also mastered being able to turn over making it extremely difficult for Daddy and Mommy to change and dress her. We also had to lower her crib because of this. She has been teething lately and that combined with her flipping over in her crib has lead to her not sleeping very well during the day, and when she does fall asleep it is usually some pretty funny positions. Oh what would be like to be that flexible again?


crystal carlson said...

She is such a doll! She's growing up so fast! I love the picture of her sleeping in her crib, what a cutie!

Mindy said...

Oh poor thing that does not look very comfortable. She is getting so big.

Potters said...

Her eyes are so pretty. I wish I could bend like that. Kids crack me up.

Matt and Jessica Stevenson said...

She is getting so big...and that last picture is so funny. It is really almost pointless to put blankets on them at night because they never keep them on.

amanda said...

what cute pictures!! congratulations on the new tv and everything, to be so lucky. :) we hope you are doing well!! addie is growing up fast!! she is adorable. we should get together in march sometime..that would be fun.